The Port Hills Electorate… Conservatively speaking.
Welcome Back, It has been 6 months now since the National Party was elected into government. How do we think they are doing? Let’s look at some ‘Key’ points;
- Asset Sales. Most voters were against this policy, however due to the fact they were elected National claims this as a mandate to sell the assets. Figures I have read in the public domain suggest that the assets on the ‘to sell’ list create revenue in the amount of $21Bn per year, with a sales price of $8bn. Now I’m no Treasurer for the country, but if this was my household, and my Vehicle allows me to generate income and I was to sell it for a quick buck, I would be shooting myself in the wallet!
- Job Creation. It is not the place of any nation’s government to ‘create’ jobs, this is the job of the private sector, instead the government of the day is required to create a fiscally sound environment whereby the private sector can employ more people, afford to lift wages, lower compliance costs’ and make it easier for the public to afford healthy reasonably priced housing. To date I see no evidence of the National led government considering this path.
- Students and student debt. Given that most of our students (post-graduation) are leaving the shores for greener pastures, how is taking more money from their “burger flipping” jobs going to keep them here where they can help drive an economic recovery. With current shortages in Nursing, Education, Military, Construction, and transport/logistics industries not only are our cost of education extremely high, but we encourage our graduates overseas through dis-incentives.
- Christchurch Earthquakes. Every time someone talks about the Budget or economy, the Government trots out 2 tired excuses. The first being a worldwide economic recession (hang-on didn’t we get told that NZ is one of the better prepared countries to weather the economic storm?) the second being the Christchurch Earthquakes… “We haven’t spent the majority of the money that was set aside for the Christchurch earthquake rebuild” (Bill English-Budget 2012) Yes we have had a major event here, yes most of the cost is covered by Insurance (making Christchurch one of the most costly insurance event in history) Yes there is higher Government costs being added to the bill (Thanks CERA), yes property owners rights to fairness and justice have been trampled as CERA has seen fit (Read demolition orders without informing building owners and/or unrealistic timetables) I personally know that some of the demolition contracts were completed at 3x what the cost should have been.
- Kim Dotcom. FBI vs. NZ Police (and the government wasn’t told that another nation’s Federal police agency was undertaking a major operation in New Zealand… “Yeah Right!”) Let us also not forget how Mr Banks became involved in this fiasco, not to worry “He doesn’t recall…”
- Contraception. No the policy is not targeted at the entire target population group, only the vulnerable (read Poor). Hey while we are at it, let’s tax those who earn an income of $3000.00 or less per annum (the so called Paper boy/girl tax). While we increase tax to the low and extremely low income earners, let’s give the rich a $2Bn/year Tax cut (better sell another power station)
Personally speaking, I would prefer a tiered tax structure for business. The structure to be based on turnover and employee numbers and have 4 tiers classifying Small Business, Medium Business, Large business and Very Large business. Promote a lower tax rate for the small business and the highest tax rate for Very Large Business' ; including wage subsides for apprentices, trainees and post-grad students. I believe that wage subsides would be far more effective than using benefits to top up wages gained from “Flipping Burgers” perhaps it may even allow a small business to expand faster, operate more efficiently or just gain a fresh perspective?
- Class sizes. In 2005 John Key was asked why his children attended a private school… “Mostly for educational reasons. There schools have smaller classes and are better resourced than most state schools” Now I’ve heard 2 theories on this, the first: “National are creating a future bargaining position when teachers enter wage negotiations, this untenable position allows them to ‘give’ in exchange for a reduced wage increase” and second “National wish to privatise the education system, this is easier achieved if they can point at the current system and state It is not working” neither of these options present itself as engendering trust or even faith in the political process or justice, after all are our children not the future?
Well, that’s all for this time around, feel free to comment or contact me if you are interested in joining the Conservative party. We are actively seeking committee members for the Electorate, and all members are welcome, why not join a party that WILL represent you.
James West
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